Saturday 12 September 2009

More Club Penguin

Okay! I've had some new ideas, so I will post them.

Problem is my mother keeps interluding when I really want some peace to edit these pictures!

So, they are not perfect. But I did try. Again, I made all of these pictures so please don't steal them.

Enjoy =)

First of all I found a Penguin just outside the NightClub sometime about in August 08.
If you manage to kill him you get 100coins. This is why I am a rich penguin!

He comes back alive again for some reason Lara Croft. She screams when she falls but she's just going to come back again.

Club penguin has a new game in town - Feed-A-Puffle...or something like that. You need to feed Puffles Cheerios. Or "Puffle O's" You can find this game in the Cove.

I want to warn everybody about the water. It's extremely dangerous. It's full of Sharks, Queers and Bad Surfers! Still feel safe? Don't say I didn't warn you.

That's my favourite xD

The picture below will demonstrate the problems if you let 2 Puffles breed.